Why Quotient

At Quotient, we work within a 'triangulation of advice' that is designed to limit conflicts of interest between our firm, our custodians, and our other resource partners. As an independent firm, we leverage these attributes to provide clients with personalized services and tailored solutions to help them meet their financial goals.

We believe that we use the right combination of human decision-making and technology to develop an innovative plan with speed and accuracy.

Collaborative Relationships

We focus on the entirety of the relationship we build with you and your family, one that we expect will extend for decades. We understand the temporal nature of financial markets and remain unfazed by downturns, always maintaining an eye on the long-term growth and stability of your portfolio.

Advising Corporate Employees (ACE) PROGRAM

Our founders have more than 25 years of experience combined in helping corporate executives and senior managers plan their retirement. They created ACE, a retirement planning solution to understand the specific needs and challenges of this group and can navigate the complex processes and details of corporate compensation and benefits.

Service Mindset

From office to office, we follow the same robust planning process, as our team of advisors provides comprehensive support to each client, ensuring a consistency of service. To provide a diverse range of expertise, multiple team members will be actively engaged in your relationship.

A Proven Process

Our process is both collaborative and interactive as we work side by side with you as your advocate, building personalized financial plans that reflect your unique financial goals and circumstances. We take a tech-enabled approach, using intuitive software to create a highly personal and customized advisory experience that centers on your needs for today and your goals for the future.


We are fiduciaries who aim to put our clients’ best interests first. We only recommend the strategies and solutions that suit our clients’ goals and objectives.


We assess a transparent fee based on a percentage of your total investable assets or fixed fees. The percentage varies depending, in part, on the amount of assets your advisor manages for you.

Our Process





Our Process